The Daily Darien

A true paradise for freelance writers


Freelance writers wanted - how to show your best

Now the first part of the title of his article is most definitely correct, that is, freelance writers are wanted. You don't have to look very far to see that there are thousands of new jobs for freelance writers every day. That's right, every day. Of course to balance that bit of good news is the fact that there are also huge numbers of freelance writers so it is a very competitive world. But it is also a growing area of employment. More and more people and businesses are realizing that you can employ a freelance writer without all the added on costs of somebody who is on staff. There is no holiday pay and sick pay and there are no superannuation contributions. So if you are in the freelance writing market or would like to be, this is certainly a growth industry.

But it is as I have said a competitive business and for you to be successful you need to know how to present yourself not just well but really well. So this article is basically about how to show your best.

  • A portfolio will do wonders.
  • A CV will do wonders.
  • Testimonials will do well.
  • Skills and qualifications on display are a great idea.
  • A good photo never goes astray.

It is so easy today to put information about yourself online. You don't have to send off material to would be employers. You don't have to attend interviews. You can sell yourself online. But to do so you need to have quality material.

Put up a collection of work you have done already. This is your portfolio of material. Here's a very good tip. Show variety. Don't simply put up a number of examples of the same type of work. If you have written e-books, blogs, articles, brochures and marketing letters, then put up an example of each one. You wouldn't put up an entire e-book perhaps only a chapter or two but have variety on display.

A simple CV can really help you show your best. List the companies for whom you have worked. List the type of work you have done. This is a chance to advertise your wares to show to the world your expertise and experience.

Testimonials are always a good selling point. The better the testimonial the better it will help you show your best. Always include the name of the business or individual who has written your testimonial.

Many of the freelance writer agencies offer their writers the opportunity to take small tests. You should seriously consider doing this. Once you pass one or more of these tests, that information is added to your profile on the writing agency website and this can only help portray you in the best possible light.

And while we're talking about your presence on the web, it’s always a great idea to include a good photograph of yourself. People like to know the writer they are dealing with. Don't make a comical photo and don't make it a bad photo. It's pretty easy these days with digital cameras to come up with a relevant and businesslike looking photo.


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