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Freelance Jobs Online: 5 Steps To Becoming A Well-Paid Writer

The aim of every freelance writer is to earn an income that is high enough to allow you to continue to work from home, on your own terms. while making money as a freelance writer is easy enough, it can be a little bit difficult when you are first starting out. While you are going to make a little bit here and there, it will take some perseverance to become the well-paid writer that you deserve to be. Here are the five steps you need to follow in order to make that happen:

  • Apply, apply, apply: In order to make money you need to get jobs. Especially when you are first starting out, they are not likely to just fall into your lap. Apply to every job that interests you. Send out query letters to magazines if you feel comfortable doing so.
  • Keep your portfolio up to date: A portfolio is a great thing to have but it does you no good if everything in there is from 5 years ago. Writers evolve in both their style and tone over time. Make sure that you regularly update your portfolio with recent work. Try to include a variety of works as well so that your portfolio will appeal to the greatest number of employers.
  • Adhere to all of your deadlines: This should go without saying since any writer knows how important a deadline is. There are circumstances which happen and can cause you to miss a deadline. Don't just ignore it and turn the work in as soon as you can. If you really have a valid reason, shoot the employer a polite email explaining what has happened and when they can expect to receive the work. Employers need to be able to count on their writers but the unexpected does happen.
  • Charge what you believe your work is worth: When you are competing with huge numbers of other writers, keep your bids at the average and let your outstanding proposal get you the job. Don't work on jobs that equate to only a few cents per hour, and don't overvalue your work either until you have written at least one bestseller!
  • Don't put all of your eggs in one basket: Don't count on only one source to find jobs. Utilize a combination of freelance sites, online job boards, and various others. The more that your name is out there, the sooner you are going to start earning some real money.

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