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How To Write An Essay For A Scholarship Examples And Sell Them To Students On Web

Writing scholarship essays is something that almost every student finds himself or herself doing at one point in their education. Writing an essay seems like an easy way to get some money for school right? Well, for some students, essay writing can be really a frustrating and painful process. If you’re good at essay writing and you want to help other students, you can possibly make some money doing this. Selling essays might not be what you think it is. There are different routes you can take to the same end, so do what feels right to you and fits your current situation.

How to Become an Online Writer

One way of doing this is to write essays ahead of time for scholarships that can be used for any scholarship in a general way. Then, you either join a website to sell them or set up your own website to sell them. You’ll have to let the students come to you and find the essay they want to purchase from you. This method isn’t great to start with because there’s a lot more of a learning curve and you take the risk that no one will buy the essays you’ve already spend hours writing.

The second way of doing it – and more popular way – is to join a writing service. There are companies online who hire writers to help their student customers. This way, you’re only writing an essay when a student has already hired you for that specific essay. None of your writing will go to waste, and you’ll have more detailed rules to follow. You’ll also have the protection and benefits of the company who hired you. This method is easier up front and potentially has the option of making more money because you can leverage the known brand of the company to promote your services. Doing it on your own, you have no past experience or reach into the market of students who might want to pay you.

Writing Scholarship Essays Online

This kind of a job will naturally ebb and flow as students have less or more demand for essay writing. Around the times of year when scholarship contests are normally started is when you’ll get the most customers. You can plan for these busy times and coordinate your writing schedule accordingly.


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